April 27, 2009
Amanda Burden, Chair
City Planning Commission
22 Reade Street
New York, New York 10007
Dear Chair Burden:
At its Full Board meeting on April 23, 2009, Community Board #2, Manhattan (CB#2, Man.) adopted the following resolution:
Whereas, CB#2, Man. and the NYC Department of City Planning, met on April 1, 2009, with representatives from the local elected officials at City Planning’s suggestion to discuss the zoning for the portion of the Far West Village bounded by West 12th Street to the north, West 10th Street to the south, Washington Street to the west, and Greenwich Street to the east, that is currently zoned C6-1; and
Whereas, worked together, starting in 2005 to implement a re-zoning of portions of the Far West Village in order to ensure that future development in this neighborhood would be appropriate to its historic, low-scale, residential character; and
Whereas, CB#2, Man. thanks the NYC Department of City Planning for their careful and thoughtful approach to planning that honors the history and stability of this community; and
Whereas that re-zoning, regretfully, neglected to include a sliver of properties, roughly bounded by West 12th Street to the north, West 10th Street to the south, Washington Street to the west, and Greenwich Street to the east that are currently zoned C6-1; and
Whereas, C6-1 zoning allows a commercial FAR of 6, a Community Facility bonus to 6.5, and a residential FAR of 3.44; and
Whereas, this imbalance of FAR between commercial and residential uses, encourages out of scale and inappropriate commercial development, such as hotels, dorms and office buildings, in an overwhelmingly quiet residential neighborhood; and
Whereas, CB#2, Man. believes that it is imperative that this C6-1 district be re-zoned to C1-6A, a zoning designation that would allow a commercial FAR of 2, a Community Facility bonus to 4, and a residential FAR of 4, or such other appropriate re-zoning that would preserve the character of the neighborhood and conform with the intentions of the 2005 re-zoning; and
Whereas, such a re-zoning would support the intentions of the 2005 re-zoning, by discouraging inappropriate commercial development and, because it is contextual, define the same height limitations for the street wall and set-backs that are in place for the properties immediately to the west, limits that are in keeping with the character of this historic and stable residential neighborhood; and
Whereas this request has the complete support of the community and CB2 Manhattan; and
Whereas, because of the imbalance in the zoning, an as of right project is coming before CB#2, Man. and the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission that will negatively impact the future of this area, and would negate the intent and benefits of the 2005 re-zoning; and
Whereas, There have been meetings in the community for about a year that demonstrate strong support.
Therefore Be It Resolved, that CB#2, Man., urgently requests that the NYC Department of City Planning to immediately initiate a re-zoning of the area in the Far West Village, roughly bounded by West 12th Street to the north, West 10th Street to the south, Washington Street to the west, and Greenwich Street to the east, from C6-1 to C1-6A, or such other appropriate re-zoning that would preserve the character of the neighborhood and conform with the intentions of the 2005 re-zoning.
Vote: Unanimous, with 40 Board members in favor.
Please advise us of any decision or action taken in response to this resolution.
Brad Hoylman, Chair David Reck, Chair
Community Board #2, Zoning and Housing Committee Community Board #2, Manhattan
cc: Hon. Jerrold Nadler, Congressman
Hon. Thomas Duane, NY State Senator
Hon. Deborah Glick, Assembly Member
Hon. Scott Stringer, Man. Borough President
Hon. Alan Jay Gerson, Council Member
Hon. Rosie Mendez, Council Member
Hon. Christine Quinn, Council Speaker
Angelica Crane, Community Board Liaison, Man. Borough President
Lolita Jackson, Manhattan Director, CAU
Lorna Edwards, Land Use Review Unit, Dept. of City Planning
Vivian Awner, Community Board Liaison, Dept. of City Planning
Jeff Mulligan, Executive Director, Board of Standards & Appeals